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I live in the Uckermark Lakes Nature Park, about 80 kilometres north of Berlin. This region presents one of the most charming and sparsely populated landscapes in north-east Brandenburg. Typical of this landscape are its many lakes, senior citizens, forests and unspoilt views.
On my daily walks, I photograph people, landscapes, structures and textures - they form the basis for my artworks. Many of them are about processes in nature such as transience and transformation or loss and transition. In this context, I examine my immediate surroundings and observe the liminal spaces there.
I am fascinated by liminal spaces.
Liminal spaces can describe a state before waking up, between not-yet-really-awake and no-longer-really-asleep, or the horizon, which from a distance marks a fixed boundary between heaven and earth, but is constantly changing as you try to approach it. In a liminal space, boundaries are fluid. There is no either/or. This also applies to the development of a personal identity. I am fascinated by exploring what defines us. What forms our identity?
My attention is focussed on this diffuse and yet concrete space without a precise beginning or end point. I explore this in-between space, which is characterised by change and transformation.
My favourite field of expression is textile collage, often in combination with an aleatoric printing process. At the beginning of my creative process, I don't know what will emerge and where it will lead me. I move in this space between diffuse and concrete. Nothing is certain. The picture asserts itself while I am working with it/developing it - I then find myself temporarily in a liminal space.
In my works, I present snapshots of landscapes and people, inspired by the Uckermark, my home. I examine spaces. I explore relationships. And I deal with longing and identity, characterised by personal and global narratives.
The combination of photography, printing and dyeing processes on fabric are central elements of my work.
My works are both observatory and documentation, they do not offer answers - they are questions.
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